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 party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ

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Timéo H. Fitzgerald
Timéo H. Fitzgerald


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyVen 25 Mai - 18:48

Hum hum d'accord, parce que vu que mon Timéo vit pas loin de chez Ivy ça suppose qu'il doit faire visiter sa maison non ?
Au fait, si mes réponses te conviennent pas ou si je pars pas du côté qui te plaît hésite surtout pas à me le dire :10:
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Ivy Hisman
Ivy Hisman


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyVen 25 Mai - 18:50

Non non, c'est parfait. Je te répond demain. :10:
Il est pas obligé d'accepter de faire visiter. C'est seulement certaines maisons.
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Timéo H. Fitzgerald
Timéo H. Fitzgerald


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyVen 25 Mai - 18:56

D'accord, d'accord (:
Merci I love you
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Birdy Hawkins
Birdy Hawkins


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 9:57

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S. Charlie Wellinghton
S. Charlie Wellinghton


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 11:34

I love you
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Birdy Hawkins
Birdy Hawkins


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 11:35

MILOULOUUU. I love you
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S. Charlie Wellinghton
S. Charlie Wellinghton


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 11:55

Comment ça va ? :10:
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Birdy Hawkins
Birdy Hawkins


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 12:08

A va, ça va. Et toi? I love you
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Ivy Hisman
Ivy Hisman


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 12:14

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S. Charlie Wellinghton
S. Charlie Wellinghton


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 18:25

Ca vaa (:
IVY I love you
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Birdy Hawkins
Birdy Hawkins


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyDim 27 Mai - 18:36

Quoi de neuf?
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S. Eden O’Callaghan
S. Eden O’Callaghan


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyLun 28 Mai - 12:03

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Ivy Hisman
Ivy Hisman


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyLun 28 Mai - 12:56

ça vaaaaaaaaaaaaa les gens ? :21:
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Birdy Hawkins
Birdy Hawkins


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyLun 28 Mai - 12:57

Trèèèèèèès bien ma foi. Et toi?
(les Doudous, où les nanas qui parlent par forum + msn)
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Ivy Hisman
Ivy Hisman


party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 EmptyLun 28 Mai - 13:49

Et des fois chatbox en bonus. :22:
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party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ    party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ  - Page 8 Empty

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party flood is in the house, tonight Ҩ

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CONSTANT CRAVING. :: PART FOUR◊ la pause kit-kat. :: ∆ FLOODISH-